A Motivational Message About Living In The Moment

There are many who, when asked, need to really concentrate and think back to a situation where they were consciously experiencing "a moment". Chances are they were not living in the moment, if they have to really think that hard to remember it. Get motivated to live in the moment.

Life is short. Life is too short. There's so much to do and to see and to experience. Without being aware of what is actually happening to us, life is whizzing by us at lightening speed. How many times have you heard, where did the time go? How did they grow up so fast?

Without actually taking in those special moments in your life and realizing the magnitude of their importance, getting something from them is something that will not happen for you. Be motivated to make things better. Everyone has their task lists, their "honey-do" lists, the day-timers that are filled with appointments to keep, meetings to attend, deadlines to meet. This has become the norm. What we must do, is prioritize... not what task must be completed first but putting your life and relationships into proper order and perspective.

The biggest benefit of living in the moment is that your quality of life raises through the roof. The first step of living in the moment is awareness. Know who you are, your strengths and your weaknesses. Analyze your inner spirit and focus on being a good human being. Be kind and enjoy the people around you. Realize that we all have love in us and it is there to share in many different kinds of ways. Do something nice for someone today...just because.

Don't be so caught up in the chores of life that you forget to live it. Don't ignore the opportunities that are the special moments in time, they present themselves to you as something to cherish. As an example, when your child asks you to play catch, don't hesitate to say "sure, let's do it". Know that you can finish that report tomorrow.

You may not realize it but you already have taken the time to capture some special moments in life. Some of them were when you have snapped a picture. Isn't that the same? You are realizing that something is special and wonderful and you want to remember it. Living in the moment is doing just that with your brain and your heart. Firstly, there is the realization of it, then the conscious effort to appreciate it and then to lock it away in the memory bank.

Live your life in the moment, appreciate what is happening around you and believe that you are exactly where you are in that moment because you were meant to be there. All else will fall into place. Getting the tasks done, paying your bills on time, being somewhere to catch a plane or bus or train, those are things that will fall into place. It is more important to use energy to serve you first.

Live in the moment:

Be aware of what goes on around you. There are always special moments to be had, all around you.
Keep a journal. Jot down those special moments in life that made a big impact on you.
Celebrate your moments. Realize that life has great things to offer, be open to accept it.
Spread the joy. Share your experiences and your stories.
Appreciation and gratitude. There will be no regrets that you missed out on something along the way.

Life is wonderful, so live in the moment and take it all in. When you are motivated to appreciate the beauty of life, you're in touch with it. You will be amazed at how much is really going on around you and you'll wonder how you never noticed them before. Let your brain and heart capture those special moments and you will feel much more fulfilled and happy and at peace. Love life by experiencing those special moments.