The Millionaire Lifestyle - How to Live it Without Breaking the Bank

Many of us familiar with the Law of Attraction know that the quickest way to achieve our goals is to think, feel, and act as though we have that which we desire already in our lives. For many of us, becoming a millionaire is one of these goals. Before we can expect to become a millionaire, we must live and act in a way that attracts this new lifestyle into our awareness. This does not mean go out to the local BMW dealership and buy a brand new car. The money simply will not appear overnight in the bank. Living with abundance and prosperity can be just as much in your mind as in your wallet. True riches come from abundance in your life which can be achieved by your behavior and how you promote yourself. Here are some simple tips to living like a millionaire today!

1) Gratitude
The quickest path to riches, hands down is gratitude. You must first feel grateful for the many blessings in your life before you can expect to get more. No matter how bad things may seem I guarantee there is at least one thing, person, or situation that you can be grateful for. Even, if the situation is as simple as being grateful for a green light when you were in a hurry. No matter how small or stupid it may seem look for that one thing or person and allow that gratitude to grow. Feel the gratitude within yourself and take a few moments just to focus on it. You cannot expect to live an abundant life if you have bottled up anger and resentment.

2) Live for Success
Successful people don't waste their days away procrastinating all that should be done. Try getting up a little earlier in the morning and start to plan your day. You might begin your day by exercising and filling your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations. If you are looking for a career change or exploring the possibility of starting your own business, don't just wait for it to happen, make a plan and take action! Sometimes feeling like a millionaire is as simple as changing the way you dress. If sweatpants or jeans and a T-shirt are your permanent uniform, try dressing up a bit. You don't have to buy expensive dress clothes, any will do. As you begin to feel more confident in yourself you can do some browsing and window shopping at those more expensive stores and begin feeling what it would be like to live a millionaire lifestyle.

3) Seek Out Positive People and Surroundings
I can go on and on until I am blue in the face about how important it is to surround yourself with positive people. Associating with those that continually put you down, or remind you of how sick you were last week, or just simply can't find anything positive to talk about won't do you a bit of good. Recognize those people in your life who are positive, and begin spending more time with them. If you cannot get away from the negative forces in your life, explain to them that you only wish to talk about positive things. This is your chance to affirm your new and positive self. Finding the positive applies to your surroundings as well. Try going to an expensive hotel or bar, and buy yourself a drink (just one is ok). While dressed in your nice clothes having a drink at this expensive bar begin soaking up what it will be like to live a millionaire lifestyle. Get used to having prosperity and abundance abound in your life.

4) Expect Success
Now that you understand how to live like a millionaire without breaking the bank, expect success in your life. If you don't expect success and abundance in your life, who will? Obviously, these tips will not work if you do not run your business with effort and persistence. Work hard, put forth your best effort and anticipate prosperity and abundance to begin manifesting themselves in your life. The universe does not conspire against you, it actually wishes all this for you and is waiting to give it to you right now. Believe that you deserve to become a millionaire and live the millionaire lifestyle. Be grateful for all that you have, and put forth your best effort persistently and consistently and you will see major changes take place in your life. Open up your heart and your hands to the possibilities and believe that you have already accomplished your goals.